EU-PALS: second transnational project meeting
Posted May, 2018
Organized by the University of Luxembourg, the two-year long ERASMUS+ project (European Physical Activity Label for Schools) had its second transnational project meeting on the 7-9th of May, 2018. Besides the presentations of the co-lead partners Youth Sport Trust International (on „How to set relevant indicators for the self-assessment tool (based on the experiences of existing labels in the UK)”) and the Hungarian Schools Sport Federation (on the „Results of the evaluated questionnaires sent by EUPEA” and “Actualities of the ongoing EU-PALS related development of HSSF (Cluster)”), international experts (prof. Dr. Uwe Pühse from the University of Basel, Andreu Raya Demidoff from Deporte para la Educación y la Salud, and Robert Saunders from the Association for Physical Education) were invited to introduce the good practices related to the objectives of the EU-PALS project in their respected countries. The Swiss good-practice, Active schools, as well as the ongoing quality mark system in the United Kingdom, and the concepts of quality label practices in Spain were presented and discussed. On the second and third day of the workshop the development of the self-assessment tool indicators was in view for all three pillars of the project (P.E., HEPA, School Sport).
Attendees representing
- University of Basel, Switzerland: Uwe Pühse
- Deporte para la Educación y la Salud: Andreu Raya Demidoff
- Association for Physical Education, UK: Robert Saunders
- University of Ljubljana: Gregor Starc
- EUPEA: Rose-Marie Repond
- University of Luxembourg: Claude Scheuer
- Youth Sport Trust International: Helen Vost and Vivienne Holt
- International Sport and Culture Association: Jacob Schouenborg
- Hungarian School Sport Federation: Zoltán Vass, Zoltán Boronyai